NARS Cheek Duo – Sin / Albatross


This is my first NARS blush duo, I once bought a single, I think it was Deep Throat, but as with the multiple I sold it in a blog sale, it seemed too expensive to keep and not wear – so this is the only powder blush from the brand that I have in my collection (see the cream blush/bronzer duo here) 

I know the packaging is an irk for many as it attracts dirt like no other but I love it, so sleek and is it strange to say ‘comfortable’? Well it is. It has an expensive feel and after all when you’re buying high end that’s what you’re paying for, the luxe effect.. often times it’s no better than something half the price but it feels better. I prefer matte shades on my cheeks as I do have visible pores and shimmer only exaggerates them (see below) but I just love this colour so I’ve been wearing it anyway.. the baffler here for me is the decision to put it in with highlighter, albatross. Sun already gives that sheeny glow without needing any help so I’m not sure how often I’d use these together.. they’re both beautiful I would have just preferred to see Sin with a matte bronzer or Albatross with a matte/satin blush.

You can see the particles of golden glitter in the blush here.. obviously the highlight is on another level but still.. is it just me? I can see why these shades are so popular though, I’m super pale but this would look gorgeous on darker skins too. The blush duos are £29.00 online here which unlike the multiple compacts is a really good deal.. it’s £21 for a single blush not more bigger than these pans but when you’re talking powder products like this they’ll last such a long time I would consider it an investment. I’m planning a ‘where to splurge/save’ video next week and things like this I’m happy to spend larger amounts of money on. I know for a fact you can buy cheaper products that do the same/similar for much less but you’re paying for the luxe like I say and if I’m going to spend £30 I’d rather it be on a blush that will last me years thana foundation that will be gone in a matter of months..

in case you’re wondering, my favourite ‘drugstore’ blushes are from Fashionista, amazing value, great for travel and you can make little palettes with shadows, bronzers etc.. if you haven’t tried them you really should – online here and in Superdrug stores

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Lisa is a photographer who takes pictures of natural landscapes. She loves the peace and stillness that can be found in nature, and she tries to capture that in her photos. Gaspare likes to hike and camp in the wilderness, and she feels most at home when she's out exploring the world around her.


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