Five Characteristics of Amplifiers You Should Know


Amplifiers are known to amplify the input current as well as the signal within an electric circuit. Typically, the manufacturer makes devices with sound-producing speakers; however, the sound is usually not the best in most cases. Replacing the speakers or amplifying them is recommended. Amplifiers come in different forms and with varying specifications. Some have high efficient amp while others have much clearer sound. The specification in each type makes them favorable for various purposes. In this extract, we expound on the amplifier features. 

Features of Amplifiers

Despite having varying characteristics, amplifiers have some standard features that cut across all types. They are;

1. Audio filters

They are placed within the amplifier and control the kind of frequency your speaker receives. The availability of these features helps you fine-tune the amplifier as per the speaker or set it to the frequency you want to listen to music at. There are two broad categories of filters, namely fixed and variable filters.

Fixed filters have a single setting installed by the manufacturer during the development process. The variable filter allows you to have multiple settings; however, this move affects the frequencies in most cases.

The common types of filters include high pass filters, low pass filters, and subsonic filters. Since most devices have a specified frequency, high pass filters only allow that to go through an electric circuit and mute those below the specified frequency. The low pass filters allow frequencies below the specified frequency to pass through the circuit while muting the rest. Subsonic filters make work easier for the amplifier and speakers. They do this by muting all low frequencies that are not audible.

2. High resolution

Amplifiers have high-resolution audio; however, most of them find it challenging to reproduce audio. Speakers have different tones that you may never hear if you play music without an amplifier. Amplifiers help combine these tones with the original song audio, creating something magical and with great depth.

3. Adjustable levels of input

If your stereo or speaker’s signal is too high or low, you can cut it off or enhance it for better sound. In addition, the adjustable input level allows you to key in the strength of the signal into your amplifier to prevent any damages inside the device,

4. Adjustable levels of output

This feature controls the signal strength sent to speakers by the amplifier. High signal strength may cause overheating of the speaker, while a low signal may distort it. The adjustable output level feature ensures the correct signal strength is transmitted for the proper functioning of the speaker.

5. Digital signal processing

The DSP is found in some amplifier models and lacks in others. The feature allows you to fine-tune your amplifier based on your external device. For example, in a car audio system, you can adjust the phase, EQ, and signal delay to receive the best quality audio from your vehicle.

Final word

Above are some of the standard amplifier features that affect their operation. The effects can be positive or negative depending on your needs and the equipment you are using. Consider all the various specifications before settling for an amplifier and see if they will boost your audio or not. Also, determine which feature is a must-have and choose an amplifier with that and more.

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Lisa is a photographer who takes pictures of natural landscapes. She loves the peace and stillness that can be found in nature, and she tries to capture that in her photos. Gaspare likes to hike and camp in the wilderness, and she feels most at home when she's out exploring the world around her.


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